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  1. amarjyoti borah

    nice one

  2. Roland


    Very interested in your course! Was just wondering if I buy it, would the course be only available for 5-7 days or will it be accessible for a lifetime. Thanks!

    • Sam Eisenhower

      Thanks for your interest! If you enroll you will have lifetime access, as well as instant lifetime access to any content I add to the course in the future – I’m currently working on some new content right now!

  3. rob.englander

    Hi Sam …Enrolled!! ..Really looking forward to digging in and getting savvy with Unreal and your vfx teachings.. 🙂

    • Sam Eisenhower

      Awesome! Thanks for enrolling and I hope you enjoy the course!

      • Sam Eisenhower

        Hello! The course is actually fully online in the form of video lessons, so it is a go at your own pace style course. I am always available via email, through the private Facebook group you gain access to when enrolled, or through commenting on lessons in the course if you have questions or anything!

  4. email

    Great work!


    I enrolled in the advanced course last night! Can’t wait to get started!

    • Sam Eisenhower

      Awesome! Glad to have you in the community!:)

  6. outtoplay

    Hey Sam, looking forward to digging into the Ultimate bundle. Will you be adding updates? Just watched the intro to the Advanced course, and UE5 info could use an addendum (such as supporting Path Tracing). Obviously you can’t chase after every update as they happen or you’d get nothing else done…lol But 5.1 really pushed the ball downfield.

    Also is the FB group gone? Is there another such community portal? Thanks

    • Sam Eisenhower

      Hello and thanks for your comment! Yes, I am actually in the middle of creating/adding a huge update to the course right now! I don’t have any official dates yet but I’m looking to have the updates posted by the end of February, however I hope to have them completed sooner. All updates will be in UE5.1 and I will also be covering a ton of brand new content as well, including more advanced animation, compositing, and volumetric effects techniques. Also will be diving heavily into the Path Tracer and lighting!

      As for the Facebook group, I did start a Facebook group for the Advanced course but I will be getting rid of it as people are primarily interested in the UE5 for Filmmakers Facebook group, which has been pretty active. If you start the Unreal Engine 5 for Filmmakers course, in the first lesson there should be a link to that Facebook group. Just make sure you enter the password when you are prompted with the Membership Questions on Facebook. Here is the lesson with the FB group info and password:

  7. Sai Kelly

    Hey Sam, I’m interested in the course but am a little sceptical, mainly because I struggle with motivation! I’ve tried a few YouTube ones before and seemed to do ok with it but with no-one setting deadlines for me I tend to lose steam. Can you tell me why yours is different/better? Is it tutored/assessed or self-motivated?

    • Sam Eisenhower

      Hello and thanks for your interest! This course is “go at your own pace” and is delivered through video lessons, so it is self-motivated to an extent. However, the course does guide you step by step through the process of creating a complex, cinematic scene in Unreal Engine from start to finish. It is laid out in a 10-day format which attempts to teach you the information in a timely manner and get you ready to work in the industry or complete your own projects within that timeframe. I would say the biggest motivator for this course is that, at the end of the course, you will have the skills and knowledge you need to work in a professional environment! I am also working on implementing an evaluation at the end of the course which, when passed, will grant you a certification that you’ve completed the course and possess the skills necessary to create at a professional level. I hope this helps with your decision, and let me know if you have any questions or anything! – Sam

  8. eburdette

    Nice work Sam, I can’t wait to create. Thank you for this course.

  9. Justin Moores

    As an intermediate user of programs like Blender, ZBrush, and Photoshop, etc., I’m very interested in the course and want to avail myself of the $199 offer. However, the promo video seen on Instagram ads and this site mention using programs late in the course that I don’t have and was not planning to purchase. Since Blender does so much and I’m most familiar with it, are the other programs like After Effects and others absolutely necessary? Thank you.

    • Sam Eisenhower

      Hello and thanks for your interest! The other programs like After Effects are not necessary at all – the final result you see on the course page was done fully inside of Unreal Engine! I added the training sections for After Effects and Fusion as a bonus, so that people who are working in a full VFX pipeline and want to further composite or tweak their scene in a compositing package would be able to do so properly using the correct processes. So the additional information included for After Effects and Fusion is not necessary by any means! I hope this is helpful!


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A man suffering from amnesia searches for whispers of his past in a post-apocalyptic world, while being hunted by human-like “Agents”.

The film was shot in late March of 2021 over four grueling days in Central Pennsylvania, on a budget of under $3,000. Post Production took nearly a year and a half, resulting in a completion date in late July of 2022.

The producers of Gemini are seeking donors and investors to produce a feature length version of the film as it runs the festival circuit.

Behind the Scenes

Gemini was written, directed, shot and edited by Sam Eisenhower and stars Chris DeJesus, Jhei Marie and Ryan Wong, with appearances from Logan Koch and Thomas Michael. The film was produced by Joshua Stanley and Art Direction was done by Mya Anderson, both of whom played key roles in the film’s development prior to shooting.